Monday, April 25, 2011

Paper Reading #25: Agent-Assisted Task Management that Reduces Email Overload

   Title: Agent-Assisted Task Management that Reduces Email Overload
   Author: Andrew Faulring, Brad Myers, Ken Mohnkern, Bradley Schmerl, Aaron Steinfeld, John Zimmerman, Asim Smailagic, Jeffery Hansen, and Daniel Siewiore
   Publisher: IUI '10, February 7-10, 2010 Hong Kong

The researchers in this paper developed RADAR (Reflective Agents with Distributed Adaptive Reasoning). RADAR is an email management system. It uses task-based metaphore in an attempt to organize a user's inbox.

It does this through machine learning. The system analyzes incoming emails, detecting a task and groups future emails with the initial one. Emails therefore are sorted into a much more logical fashion.

Their tests showed that users using RADAR had an easier time querying emails. There were few reported false positives in the system.

This is somewhat interesting, but I would much rather sort my own emails or use threading. Within the same conversation the topic can differ wildly. People might not remember how they got to a certain point and thus have a hard time classifying their email.


  1. I agree with your analysis, it could cause some difficulties.
